From our president, Ronald R. Damewood Jr.
Tri-City Heat Treat is committed to providing quality heat treat services. Tri-City Heat Treat would like to inform you that we have increased our capacity so we may continue to be your heat treat vendor of choice. We are committed to growing with our customers, while maintaining the quality and service you deserve and expect.
Tri-City Heat Treat added two new Surface Batch Furnaces in 2011.
- The equipment consist of two 36" x 72" x 36" furnaces, capable of handling 7,000 lbs each. These furnaces are in addition to our current batch furnaces and have increased our capacity for 40.2%, to a total weight of 24,900 lbs in our furnaces at any one time.
- One furnace will have a top cool option that allows us to better service work that you may have that requires an air cool operation.
- We have also updated all furnaces with SSi monitoring equipment that ensures a robust and efficient heat treat process.
Please feel free to contact me or my team with any questions or concerns you may have! You can fill out our contact form here, or call our office at (309) 786-2689.
Thank you for allowing us to be your preferred heat treater!
Ronald R. Damewood Jr. (President)